E. R. Barr spent his youth wandering around “Conor Country” known better as the “Driftless Area” of the southwest corner of the state of Wisconsin. The Mississippi and Wisconsin Rivers and the lands around them, dotted with Indian mounds and filled with stories and legends, fueled his imagination. Not till he started traveling world-wide did he truly begin to see connections between Ireland, Scotland, Wales and the lands where he was born. His forebears came from those ancient nations and settled there in Wisconsin. Always wondering why, he kept searching for answers. A Catholic Priest, a university professor, high school teacher and administrator, a popular speaker on all things Celtic and Tolkienesque, E. R. Barr makes his home in northwest Illinois. He is the author of the urban fantasy series, THE TALES OF CONOR ARCHER including the novels ROAN and SKELLIG. He is also the author of the paranormal thriller collection, THE VATICAN ARCHIVES SERES including the novels GODS IN THE RUINS and BENEATH THE BISHOP’S BONES. All novels take place in the Conorverse.
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