Book Cave Direct is a free service you can sign up for that will send weekly notices to your email inbox about free ebooks offered directly from Authors and Publishers. These deals are not available at retailers and must be sideloaded into your device. While this can be more challenging that downloading a deal on our Retailer Deals page, we have step-by-step instructions to help you get the books into your ereader. The deals are selected for you according to your chosen genres and content preferences (also called content ratings: All, Mild, Mild+ Moderate, Moderate+, Adult, Adult+). We also put promotions on Twitter and Facebook, so look for us there.
Note that for our Direct Deals, we use the My Book Rating system like we do with our Retailer Deals, which is unique to our site. We hope you enjoy the concept of content ratings for books as much as we do. You choose your movies with content ratings, and it’s time we have some kind of idea what we’re reading before we crack open a book!