Yes, Book Cave does work around the world, with some exceptions.
The Book Cave Direct deals will always work anywhere in the world. They are downloaded directly from our site, and we place no geographic restrictions on those downloads.
Retailer Deals, our primary attraction at Book Cave, must be downloaded from retailers such as Amazon, iTunes, Barnes & Noble, Google, Kobo, Smashwords, or Google Play. If you can buy ebooks at one of these stores, then we’ll provide you with the product links to your favorite ebook store in the country of your choice. The emails we send will include both discounted and free ebooks. But we first need to know where you live, and there are occasional price exceptions that we’ll explain below.
How do I tell Book Cave what country I live in?
When you sign up for our Daily Deals from Retailers, you’ll tell us what retailers you shop at (Amazon, Kobo, iTunes, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, or Google Play), and what country you live in. If you’ve already signed up and need to change your country, just log into your Book Cave account and then select Preferences on the Account menu. The country is toward the bottom of the form, right below the list of retailers.
With this information in hand, we’ll make sure that the links we deliver to you will take you to the right international store.
Can’t I just tell Book Cave what country I shop at?
That will work for most people. For example, if you live in New Zealand and shop at Amazon, you know that you’ll be using Amazon Australia to purchase your ebooks. So you can tell us your country is Australia if you’d like.
However, if you tend to purchase ebooks at multiple ebook stores, then this may not work. For example, if you sometimes buy at Amazon and sometimes at Kobo, selecting Australia as your country will work for Amazon, but it will send you to the wrong Kobo store (the Australia one instead of the New Zealand one). On the other hand, if you tell us that you live in New Zealand, we know to send you to Amazon Australia or Kobo New Zealand depending on which retailer button you click from your email.
Does Book Cave check prices at international stores?
We check all US prices the morning of the deal, but unfortunately we do not yet have the manpower to check all the international stores. We feel it’s more important at this time to continue offering our service free to readers forever, so we’ll add checking the foreign stores as we grow. (You can help that growth by actively recommending us to other readers!) Meanwhile, if you shop at a non-US store, please pay close attention to the price and verify that it is still discounted purchasing.
It’s important to note that we always urge authors to discount their books everywhere it’s listed, but sometimes they don’t or can’t (like on Kindle Countdown deals that are only available in the US and the UK). So some deals may not be available outside the United States, or available only in select countries.
What do I do if Book Cave sends me to the wrong store?
If you’ve selected the correct country in your preferences, and our links are sending you to the wrong store, please email us at We’ll do everything we can to get it fixed.