Interviews Why Write? After decades of detours, the college kid returns to Plan A: writing. As his next novel unfolds onscreen, he ponders aloud, “Why write?”
Reading Tips 7 Easy Tips for Parents to Involve Their Kids in Reading Here are seven simple yet effective tips for parents to engage their children in the joy of reading.
Book Lovers,Book Products 9 Card and Board Games for Book Lovers Reading is solitary, but you can enjoy it socially with card and board games! Discover 9 games perfect for book lovers.
Holidays,Reading Tips 11 Valentine’s Day Date Ideas for Book Lovers Valentine’s Day is near, and for book lovers seeking date ideas, we’ve got you covered. Check out our list to create your perfect romantic date!
Book Lovers The Great Novels Americans Love the Most 74% of Americans read a book in the past year. But which ones linger in their minds well beyond the final page?
Book Lovers 26 Excuses for Staying Home and Reading For book lovers craving solo reading time, we’ve got you covered. Check out our list of excuses to stay in and enjoy uninterrupted reading!
Literature The Gap in the Book Market: Books for 10–14-Year-Olds There’s nothing better than escaping into the pages of a good book. But one demographic is slipping through the cracks: 10–14-year-olds.
Book Lovers,Literature How Long Would It Take to Read Every Book in the World? Have you ever wondered how many books there are written in the world? Or how long it would take you to read all those books? Here’s your chance to find out.
Literature Stephen King Books in Order Stephen King’s works are categorized into novels, novellas, short stories, graphic novels, and nonfiction, with fiction further divided into series lists for easier reading selection!
Holidays,Literature,Quotes Literary Mother’s Day Quotes from Your Favorite Books Mother’s Day is coming! Explore our list of literary quotes perfect for cards or letters to your mom. Or use them as inspiration to craft your own message.
Book Lovers,Literature Judging Books By Their Covers: The Best Book Covers of 2017 Ever been lured by a great cover to a disappointing story? Or nearly miss a gem due to a bad cover? Gauge your tastes against our cover critics!
Book Lovers,Fun Facts Historical Accuracy in Historical Fiction Do you assume historical fiction is accurate? Does it matter? There’s a sacred trust between the writer and the reader.
Book Lovers,Reading Tips The Stages All Readers Go Through When Lending a Book (And How to Get Books Back) Readers excel at sharing, at first. Yet, after losing a few books to friends, caution sets in. Discover the stages and tips for ensuring books return.
Holidays 40 Great Halloween Costume Ideas from Books Stuck on a Halloween costume idea? Your bookshelf holds the key! With creativity and thriftiness, countless original costumes await.
Literature The Artemis Fowl Books Curious about the Artemis Fowl series and its movie adaptation? You’re in luck! Get ready for an exciting journey through this captivating series.
Literature What is PNR? 19 Paranormal Romance Titles You Might’ve Never Found Discover what defines paranormal romance (PNR) and explore 19 hidden gems in this captivating genre.
Book Lovers My Fictional Bucket List Do you possess a fictional bucket list? Here’s a glimpse into mine—filled with dreams and adventures waiting to be lived!
Book Lovers,Interviews,Literature A Conversation with Elle Jacklee, Author of The Tree of Mindala Discover the imaginative stories of Elle Jacklee—my daughter couldn’t put down “The Tree of Mindala”!
Book Reviews Review of Work and Rest God’s Way Struggling with overwork, motivation, or work-life balance? This book offers solutions for positive change.