Book Lovers,Holidays 21 Funny Book-Related Things to Be Thankful for This Thanksgiving, let’s celebrate gratitude for the quirky and unexpected things in life. Check out our offbeat ideas and add some fun to your gratitude list!
Book Lovers,Book Products,Holidays The 29 Best Valentine’s Day Gifts for Book Lovers in 2018 Book lovers are easy to shop for—just get them another book! But why stop there? Pair that book with one of these Valentine’s Day gifts for an extra special touch this year.
Holidays 13 Reader-Related Things I’m Grateful For With Thanksgiving approaching, I reflect on reader-related blessings this season. Here are some things I’m grateful for as a reader.
Holidays 2023 New Year’s Resolutions Struggling to choose a New Year’s Resolution? I’ve made a wish list but can’t decide. Do any resonate with you? Let’s resolve together!
Holidays Give Your Friend a Friend: The Art of Gifting Books Started Christmas shopping yet? It’s not even Thanksgiving, but if your friends are like mine, you’ve heard that question. My response? A well-practiced glare.
Holidays,Literature 5 Christmas Romance Books to Prepare You for the Festive Season Get ready for a cozy Christmas with hot chocolate, marshmallows, and fabulous reading! Our list offers joyful books to ease your decision.
Holidays,Reading Tips 11 Valentine’s Day Date Ideas for Book Lovers Valentine’s Day is near, and for book lovers seeking date ideas, we’ve got you covered. Check out our list to create your perfect romantic date!
Holidays,Literature,Quotes Literary Mother’s Day Quotes from Your Favorite Books Mother’s Day is coming! Explore our list of literary quotes perfect for cards or letters to your mom. Or use them as inspiration to craft your own message.
Holidays 40 Great Halloween Costume Ideas from Books Stuck on a Halloween costume idea? Your bookshelf holds the key! With creativity and thriftiness, countless original costumes await.
Book Lovers,Book Products,Holidays Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Book Lovers Looking for stocking stuffer ideas for book lovers? This list is a great way to find gifts for those book lovers in your life—or to send on to others so they know what you would like!
Holidays,Quotes 33 New Year Quotes Are you ready for 2021? Here are 33 new year quotes to gear you up for the occasion. Let’s ring in the new year!
Book Lovers,Holidays Last Minute Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Book Lovers If you’re looking for some last-minute Valentine’s Day gift ideas for your special someone who loves books, you’ve come to the right place!
Holidays,Literature Christmas Novels to Get You in the Christmas Mood Interested in reading some Christmas-themed novels this holiday? Here are some great books to interest you!
Holidays The Top 10 Mildly Creepy Books to Read If You Want to Get in the Halloween Spirit There are still chills and thrills to be had while reading during this the spookiest of seasons without giving you nightmares. Here are 10 mildly creepy books to read that won’t give you a heart attack.
Book Lovers,Holidays 13 Romantic Valentine’s Day Date Ideas Inspired by Books If you’re pulling your hair out trying to think up a Valentine’s day date, on top of your already hectic lives, then ask your books for help. There are no shortage of cute, elegant, cheesy and fun date ideas in romance novels. Check some of our book inspired Valentine’s day date ideas.
Book Lovers,Holidays 11 Bookish New Year’s Reading Resolutions for 2018 You’ll Enjoy Keeping If you’ve failed your typical reading resolutions in the past, then this year try these fun reading resolutions focused on creating new reading experiences that you’ll actually enjoy keeping.
Book Lovers,Book Products,Holidays 10 Thoughtful Gifts for Book Lovers You Can Create Yourself The best gifts are made with love. Take a look at some of these thoughtful gift ideas that you can make for the book lovers in your life.
Holidays 24 Short Christmas Books to Read as a Family Enjoy some quality time with your family this year while enjoying some of our favorite Christmas books. Turn our top 24 books into an advent calendar to get you in the Christmas spirit!
Book Lovers,Holidays 19 Things all Book Wyrms Can Be Grateful for Besides Just “Books” Here’s our special thanks to books, authors, publishers, fellow book wyrms, and all those who make having our reading addictions possible.