A pirate stealing a precious gem to perform a miracle, and the prince who means to stop her. Who will win?
Adria thought stealing the Sun Stone would be easy. The Ice Dragons didn’t even put any guards in the room.
That’s okay.
That’s why she went through the walls. She almost snuck away with the magical artifact . . . that is until Belian, the Hybrid Prince, catches her stealing the stone.
Belian chases the thief, which ends with a cave in and the Sun Stone, which always reveals truths. Mistrusting the pirate, he is not sure if he should allow Adria to leave with the stone once he knows the truth of why she needs it. Yet, he’s drawn to her, and the adventure she promises.
They soon learn the truths of their own attractions and feelings for the other while their sexy adventure continues after the cave in—flying with dragons, swimming with mermaids, and facing off with the Sea Witch.
Will these star-crossed lovers survive the awesome power of the Sea Witch and the gods for a chance to find their happiness together?