Our theme, “Into the Light,” draws inspiration from the way a young sunflower bud constantly turns to face the sun. Poets delved into the realms of death, love, and the natural world, capturing their human experiences in the timeless form of syllabic poetry.
Contributors to the first edition of the Sunflower Tanka: Suzanne Brace, Yvette Calleiro, Kay Castenada, Luanne Castle, Robbie Cheadle, Colleen M. Chesebro, E.A. Colquitt, Melissa Davilio, Destiny, Tamiko Dooley, Lisa Fox, Cindy Georgakas, Chris Hall, Franci Hoffman, Marsha Ingrao, Jude Itakali, JulesPaige, Kenneth, MJ Mallon, Brenda Marie, Selma Martin, Michelle Ayon Navajas, Lisa Nelson, D. Wallace Peach, Freya Pickard, Dawn Pisturino, Gwen M. Plano, Jennifer Russo, Aishwarya Saby, Reena Saxena, Merril D. Smith, Nicole Smith, Ivor Steven, Ben Tonkin, Trilce Marsh Vazquez, Cheryl Wood.
A delightful serving of hope and light.
This collection contains a variety of different kinds of tanka (traditional, prose tanka, Garland, Puerte and Rensaku) by an eclectic mix of poets.
This anthology is designed to bring hope and joy and it does just that. From seasonal observations to both positive and negative experiences of life and death, these tanka vividly describe every day life, as well as discovering metaphysical meanings.
And what of the theme, “Into The Light”? It is interpreted in a variety of ways and reflects sunlight, moonlight, uncovered secrets and is a call to walk into the light in this very dark world.
This volume is ideal for anyone in need of a pick-me-up and is a must read for creatives who wish to develop their tanka writing skills.
My favourite poem in this collection is by Lisa Fox:
Something about crows
Shines bright with their shadows;
Stylized black, head to toe,
Dark stars punctuate day’s script
With ellipses to the trees