When Captain Lesley and his crew are traveling to a new planet with colonists in suspended animation, their journey is cut short by an enormous alien spaceship. Though it floats in the middle of nowhere without a sign of life, the travelers immediately stop to investigate.
Once onboard the seemingly abandoned ship, the humans discover what 100 years of space travel has not: Intelligent alien life.
With the human’s ship trapped inside the alien’s, they must fight for their freedom and survival where nothing is as it seems. Surrounded by different groups of aliens—some clueless and held in the ship’s down below, others taking no shape and possessing incredible power—the humans are stuck in the middle of a long alien conflict.
Do they have what it takes to survive?
Ship of Shadows is a riveting hard science fiction adventure. For fans of Evan Currie and Ken Lozito, this alien encounter space opera is a must-read. Grab a copy to hop aboard the alien spacecraft today!