To retired spinster Ada Whittaker, everyone is suspect. Unable to knit and refusing to take up crocheting as Sheriff Meriday suggests, she spends her energies investigating crime.
When an article appears in the Ontario Times asking, “Whatever Happened to Harold Ramsey?” Ada resolves to find the answer to the twenty-year-old mystery.
The townsfolk believe the treasurer of Stonecroft Lakeside Resort embezzled funds and left town with Kate Darby. Blair Ramsey believes her husband is dead and returns to Sackets Harbor determined to clear his name. But why now, after all this time?
The death of his son and his wife’s social isolation weigh heavily on Felix Zohlar, but there’s a new trigger to his explosive temperament. He must know more than he’s telling.
And who is sending anonymous letters to Ada’s Ask Adrienne column?
So many questions. If Ada’s housekeeper and secretary would stop bickering, Ada could devote more emotional energy to her hobby!