The Magi Journey—Collection contains the three books of the Magi Journey series, Assyria, Babylonia, and Persia. The trilogy is the sweeping saga of the Middle East from 734 BC to 500 BC. The series is the story of the rise and fall of Empires, of kings, and prophets. It is the story of Israel, from the diaspora to destruction, captivity, and finally redemption. It is the story of God and His chosen people.
Magi Journey is also the story of the Magi Family, from their founding in 701 BC to their kneeling before the Messiah in the year -0-. It is the story of the family’s love, faith, and growth, and of their unflagging devotion for 700 years as they wait and watch for the sign of the Messiah’s coming.
A journey like no other, a story of love, hope, and redemption.