Do you rely on Earth for your survival?
Lion Scream is a graphic collection of poetry and prose. The book portrays the author’s experiences with South African wildlife and the growing impact of the sixth mass extinction and climate change on the natural environment.
Lion Scream
There is no jungle
Only acres of smooth stumps
There is no jungle
No habitat, no food source
Hopeless lion screams tonight
This is a unique collection of syllabic verse interspersed with facts about the subject matter and short accounts of the poet’s interaction with animals.
Set in her native land, South Africa, Lion Scream is an unashamed cry for help and call to action with regard to endangered species due to climate change.
The syllabic poetry is a form called Double Ennead which allows the poet more scope than say haiku or tanka, to get her message across. Each poem consists of 99 syllables.
Cheadle provides many of her own photographs to illustrate her poems as well as providing links to her YouTube account so the reader can view her short videos of the animals she writes about.
The facts provided between poems serve to enhance the poetical experience as well as highlighting the need for change in societies across the world.
This is a poetry collection with a challenge and a message to all who read it regarding conservation and ecology. There’s also a chilling short story at the end that will give you the creeps!