You might think . . . Why do I need to edit my book? I paid attention in Freshman Comp. My voice is exceptional, and my dialogue is spot on. I crushed it with my plot and characters. Besides, isn’t that what copy editors are for?
None of that will matter if you head-hopped and violated every grammar, punctuation, and spelling rule in the book. Your manuscript will end up in the circular file (i.e., trash can). It will never get to a copy editor.
Authors only have a few pages to grab the attention of editors, agents, or the biggest critics of all—the reading public—your bread and butter. And by the way, editing isn’t only grammar, punctuation, and spelling. I divulge many of the dazzling grammatical errors I made on my own journey to being published.
Whether you write fiction or nonfiction, How to Edit Your Manuscript, The Non-Negotiables has targeted, uncomplicated steps that make self-editing a valuable experience. The guide also includes two reference style sheets you will revisit time and time again.