Two-thousand years ago, the world of Daavas had been shattered into Shards, massive blocks of land cast adrift in space. In the aftermath of this great cataclysm, a god of death was born: Thanatos. With his army of Dark Elves and undead creatures at his command, he has conquered most of the main Shard, Shard Primaris. The only thing that prevents Thanatos from completely conquering is a loose and disorganized coalition of Dwarves, Dragons, free Humans, and a handful of Elves not within the Dead Lords thrall.
The gods themselves have only been able to do so much against the seemingly implacable powers of Thanatos, but there is hope. For shortly after the Sundering that scattered the lands of Daavas, it was prophesized that one day a band of heroes would arise that would be capable of destroying the Death Lords hold. There is only one real problem . . . the world is more than a little bit weird, and I’m not just talking about the general weirdness that’s in fantasy in general. But enough of that, it is up to our heroes to stop the Dark Elves from completely taking over Shard Primaris, and in a few small ways overcome their own personal issues.