For this month’s reading challenge, read a book that is based on a fairy tale. Here are some of our suggestions—let us know what you decide to read!
Cinder by Marissa Meyer
Based off of Cinderella.
Humans and androids crowd the raucous streets of New Beijing. A deadly plague ravages the population. From space, a ruthless lunar people watch, waiting to make their move. No one knows that Earth’s fate hinges on one girl. . . .
Cinder, a gifted mechanic, is a cyborg. She’s a second-class citizen with a mysterious past, reviled by her stepmother and blamed for her stepsister’s illness. But when her life becomes intertwined with the handsome Prince Kai’s, she suddenly finds herself at the center of an intergalactic struggle, and a forbidden attraction. Caught between duty and freedom, loyalty and betrayal, she must uncover secrets about her past in order to protect her world’s future.
The Stolen Kingdom by Bethany Atazadeh
Based off of Aladdin
A lamp, a heist, and the fate of a kingdom on the shoulders of a would-be queen . . . her only hope is a handsome Jinni hunter and his crew of thieves in this loose Aladdin retelling from the princesses perspective.
Arie never expected to manifest a Jinni’s Gift. When she begins to hear the thoughts of those around her, she hides it to the best of her ability. But to her dismay, the forbidden Gift is growing out of control.
When a neighboring king tries to force her hand in marriage and steal her kingdom, discovery is imminent. Just one slip could cost her throne. And her life.
How can she protect her kingdom, if she can’t even protect herself?
Beauty by Robin McKinley
Based off of Beauty and the Beast
I was the youngest of three daughters. Our literal-minded mother named us Grace, Hope, and Honour. . . . My father still likes to tell the story of how I acquired my odd nickname: I had come to him for further information when I first discovered that our names meant something besides you-come-here. He succeeded in explaining grace and hope, but he had some difficulty trying to make the concept of honour understandable to a five-year-old. . . . I said: ‘Huh! I’d rather be Beauty.’ . . .
By the time it was evident that I was going to let the family down by being plain, I’d been called Beauty for over six years . . . I wasn’t really very fond of my given name, Honour, either . . . as if ‘honourable’ were the best that could be said of me.
The sisters’ wealthy father loses all his money when his merchant fleet is drowned in a storm, and the family moves to a village far away. Then the old merchant hears what proves to be a false report that one of his ships had made it safe to harbor at last, and on his sad, disappointed way home again he becomes lost deep in the forest and has a terrifying encounter with a fierce Beast, who walks like a man and lives in a castle. The merchant’s life is forfeit, says the Beast, for trespass and the theft of a rose—but he will spare the old man’s life if he sends one of his daughters: “Your daughter would take no harm from me, nor from anything that lives in my lands.” When Beauty hears this story—for her father had picked the rose to bring to her—her sense of honor demands that she take up the Beast’s offer, for “cannot a Beast be tamed?”
The Fairy’s Mistake by Gail Carson Levine
Based off of Toads and Diamond
Two very different sisters have two very different encounters with the fairy Ethelinda. Rosella is kind and helpful. Her reward: Jewels and gems tumble out of her mouth whenever she speaks. Myrtle is rude and spiteful. Her punishment: Bugs and vipers slither out of her mouth. The fairy Ethelinda feels she’s meted out justice just right—until she discovers Rosella has been locked up by a greedy prince and Myrtle is having the time of her life!
Snow So White by C. Gockel
Based off of Snow White
In the tiny village of Somer, far from the city, Cherie knows nothing of the evil spell. Her home is a safe, Magickal place. The Fae travel freely along its roads, Magickal humans and animals are welcome, and everyone is hidden from the Queen’s sight by Jack Frost, the local ghost, who blurs the Queen’s mirror with snow and ice.
But when Jack’s spell begins to crack, the Queen’s eyes fall on Somer. Nothing will keep her from abducting all of Somer’s Magickals, not even a war with the Fae.
To avert a war, save her village—and herself—Cherie strikes a perilous bargain. Aided only by Jack and her own small Magick, she’ll set off on a quest . . . If she fails, she’ll lose more than her life.
Let us know in the comments below what book you will be reading for this month’s reading challenge! Happy reading.
‘A Book Based on a Fairy Tail’ (Psst. I think you mean fairy _tale_.)
Thank you! I’ve been watching too much of the anime “Fairy Tail.” It didn’t even register!