In addition to submitting your single retailer deals, you can join a retailer group feature for extra notice. These group promotions are a partnership between Book Cave and the participating authors and usually create a sustained download or rank increase throughout the entire promotion.
How it works
Book Cave creates a special page specific to the group. All authors/publishers involved plan to discount their book to either free or 99 cents on retailers, depending on the requirements of the group. They submit their book and once accepted pay the promotion invoice that accompanies their acceptance.
During the promotion, Book Cave sends notice about the group deal to our retailer subscribers and also shares the page link on social media. During the entire promotion, we feature the group banner on our front page and pay extra advertising to send even more readers to the page, where we offer a large number of reader prizes in a giveaway. (The amount varies and is related to the number of authors who join our group retailer promos.)
On the huge group giveaway, each author will have a follow link to their Book Cave Author Profile Page. This means that our readers can earn one more entry into the giveaway by following participating authors on Book Cave. Then when authors do a promotion with us or have a new release, those people are notified in an extra email that readers receive regardless of genre or rating. Authors can create their free Author Page here. We support multiple pen names.
Space is limited to 35-40 books, and books will be shifted on the page during the promotion for added exposure.
Participating authors also share the group link with their subscribers and on social media to add to the promotion.
It’s a win for everyone!
Currently, our group promotions last three weeks and the cost is $30 for each participating book.
Please note that books for retailer group promotions are subject to the same length and review requirements as our regular retailer promotions. Also, the same book can only be in a group retailer promotion once every 90 days. You may still schedule single retailer promotions as usual.
Read how to add a new book for these promotions here.
Available groups
See what groups are available to join here.
Sponsor a private group promotion
Aside from the group promotions Book Cave sponsors, we also allow publishers or author groups to organize and sponsor retailer groups. These work similar to regular retailer groups, and are subject to our content, length, and review requirements. The cost is $30 per participating book.
These private groups are only open to the sponsor’s connections, and sponsors are given a private link to submit the books. For instance, a publisher or group of authors may want to have a group of only their books featured. Sponsor can have each author pay for their own book or we can send one invoice. We have a 30-book minimum rule, and prefer at least 35. We do not recommend more than 45 books per promotion.
Book Cave will create a banner and share images, send the promotion to our subscribers, take care of advertising, and supply the prizes. The sponsor will be noted on the giveaway, and all contestants have the GDPR-compliant option of joining the sponsors’ newsletter BEFORE they enter. Sponsors may mention a free book upon joining or other incentive that should be emailed out after collecting the addresses. We usually have a 1000+ people who opt to receive the sponsor’s newsletter, so having your link there is a real benefit for sponsors.
Individual author participants are still required to share the page and will have a Book Cave Author Page follow URL on the giveaway that shows up after the contestants have entered.
Please email us directly and ask for Shawn to arrange for your private group retailer promotion.